
The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won’t. It’s whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere.

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Emaar inaugurates new VU Sports Club

Emaar Hospitality Group, a leading real estate development company in the hospitality

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At a cost of 12 billion riyals.. Major contracts for the implementation of the opera house, sports stadium and infrastructure in the central Jeddah project

Central Jeddah Development Company has signed major contracts for the implementation of

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Smart and sustainable vehicles.. UAE shortens distances by land, sea and air

With the commencement of operational trials for air taxi services in Dubai

بالمركبات الذكية والمستدامة.. الإمارات تختصر المسافات براً وبحراً وجواً

مع بدء التجارب التشغيلية لخدمة التاكسي الجوي في دبي العام 2025، تمهيداً

Emirates operates excellent economy A380 to Osaka

Emirates is set to enhance its service to Osaka by operating one